Release of the CAIL Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2023

On behalf of our team at The Center for American and International Law, we are pleased to announce the release of CAIL's Annual Report. This report highlights our 75th anniversary, key initiatives, achievements, and the ongoing impact of our work during fiscal year 2023.

We invite you to explore this comprehensive overview of our activities and accomplishments, which would not have been possible without your support and engagement. The digital version of the report is now available for your review, and we are eager to share the insights and milestones that have marked this past year.

You can access the digital report here.

Thank you for your continued partnership and commitment to promoting the rule of law and enhancing the legal and law enforcement professions to advance the justice system. We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to your feedback on our shared achievements.


The Center for American and International Law - Founded in 1947, The Center for American and International Law is a nonprofit institution based in Plano, Texas, dedicated to advancing justice and promoting the rule of law through the professional development of legal and law enforcement practitioners worldwide. Today, CAIL's educational institutes have established internationally recognized forums and programs addressing law enforcement administration, energy law, international and comparative law, transnational arbitration, law and technology, criminal justice, and other relevant topics. Thousands of lawyers and law enforcement officers from all 50 states and 130 countries have participated in CAIL programs.

Media Contact
Karla Lárraga, Communications Officer | (972) 244-3436