Criminal Justice

When the Defense Rests Too Much:

Prosecutors Responses to Apparent Ineffective Assistance of Counsel

Live Webinar - Begins at 12 PM CST

Past Event

MCLE Credit will be available

Grant Staff: +1.972.244.3428
Registrar: +1.972.244.3404
Fax: +1.972.244.3401


Registration is required to attend. Details, including the agenda, presenters and approved CLE credit, will be posted here once confirmed.

Register to attend When the Defense Rests Too Much: Prosecutors Responses to Apparent Ineffective Assistance of Counsel (Webinar) on July 24, 2024 at 12pm CST. â€¯ 

This course was funded by a grant from the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

Who Should Attend?

With the exception of invited faculty, attendance is limited to prosecuting attorneys and their personnel.

Topics & Presenters

View the Agenda and Faculty

MCLE Credit

The State Bar of Texas has approved this program for a total of 1.0 hours, of which no credit hours will apply to ethics/professional responsibility credit.

In addition to Texas, after the program (if requested) CAIL will directly apply for course accreditation in the following states, as long as course materials and evaluations are not required: California, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Attorneys may be eligible to receive CLE credit through attorney self-submission in other states, as long as course materials and evaluations are not required to be submitted.

Other Information

Photo/Audio/Video Release

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Cancellation Policy

Written cancellation must be received 5 business days prior to a program to receive a refund (Email: After this date, no refunds, but substitution of attendees for this program will be permitted with prior approval. Registrants not entitled to a refund will receive the course materials. Note: Free registrants must attend the program to receive materials at no cost.

Nondiscriminatory Policy

The Center for American and International Law does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected status in educational activities, scholarship programs or admissions.

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