Sponsoring an ITA Event

Most ITA conferences include opportunities for you to promote your firm or company and support ITA by sponsoring one of the conference events. Costs and benefits vary between conferences. Benefits customarily include free registration for one or more delegates and publicity to thousands of interested arbitrators, practitioners and in-house counsel.

For further information, contact ITA Sponsorship Coordinator Lilly Hogarth at +1.972.529.3877.

Events Available for Sponsorship

ITA-ALARB Americas Workshop ( - ) - Buenos Aires, Argentina

Sponsorship Opportunities

Headline Conference Sponsorship - US$ 3,500 [non-exclusive, up to 5 sponsors]

  • Exposure of sponsor to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents and followers
  • Leading recognition as a Headline Conference Sponsor on the conference website, in the marketing materials, and on signage at the Conference
  • Leading recognition as a Headline Conference Sponsor on the cover the Conference program
  • 4 complimentary conference registrations to attend all panels, discussions, luncheon, and reception
  • 4 complimentary tickets to the Conference Dinner
  • Sponsor name/logo on the conference website with link to the sponsor’s website
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Sponsorship acknowledged on ITA social media accounts (LinkedIn, etc.)

Lanyard Sponsorship - US$ 2,500 [exclusive]

  • Exposure of sponsor to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents and followers
  • Recognition as Lanyard Sponsor on the conference website, in the marketing materials, in the program and on signage at the Conference
  • Recognition as Lanyard Sponsor in the Conference program
  • 3 complimentary conference registrations to attend all panels, discussions, luncheon, and reception (ticketed Conference Dinner not included for all 3)
  • 1 complimentary ticket to the Conference Dinner
  • Sponsor name/logo on the conference website with link to the sponsor’s website
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Sponsorship acknowledged on ITA social media accounts (LinkedIn, etc.)

Conference Sponsorship - US$ 2,000 [non-exclusive, up to 8 sponsors]

  • Exposure of sponsor to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents and followers
  • Recognition as a Headline Conference Sponsor on the conference website, in the marketing materials, in the program and on signage at the Conference
  • Recognition as a Conference Sponsor in the Conference program
  • 3 complimentary conference registrations to attend all panels, discussions, luncheon, and reception (ticketed Conference Dinner not included for all 3)
  • 1 complimentary ticket to the Conference Dinner
  • Sponsor name/logo on the conference website with link to the sponsor’s website
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Sponsorship acknowledged on ITA social media accounts (LinkedIn, etc.)

WiFi Sponsorship* - US$ 2,000 [exclusive]

*The availability of this sponsorship will depend on the technology and WiFi setup of the conference venue; we can provide this only if the Hyatt allows us to customize the WiFi password in the conference space.

  • Exposure of sponsor to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents and followers
  • Sponsor name will be used as WiFi passcode for the conference
  • Recognition as WiFi Sponsor on the conference website, in the marketing materials, in the program and on signage at the Conference
  • Recognition as WiFi Sponsor in the Conference program
  • 3 complimentary conference registrations to attend all panels, discussions, luncheon, and reception (ticketed Conference Dinner not included for all 3)
  • 1 complimentary ticket to the Conference Dinner
  • Sponsor name/logo on the conference website with link to the sponsor’s website
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Sponsorship acknowledged on ITA social media accounts (LinkedIn, etc.)

Canvas Tote Bag Sponsorship - US$ 2,000 [non-exclusive, up to 3 sponsors*] / US$ 6,000 [exclusive]

*The availability of this sponsorship will depend on having at least 3 non-exclusive sponsors or a sole exclusive sponsor; given the cost and trouble of producing a tote bag it is not worthwhile unless the revenue is sufficient.

  • Exposure of sponsor to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents and followers
  • Recognition as Lanyard Sponsor on the conference website, in the marketing materials, in the program and on signage at the Conference
  • Recognition as Lanyard Sponsor in the Conference program
  • 3 complimentary conference registrations to attend all panels, discussions, luncheon, and reception (ticketed Conference Dinner not included for all 3)
  • 1 complimentary ticket to the Conference Dinner
  • Sponsor name/logo on the conference website with link to the sponsor’s website
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Sponsorship acknowledged on ITA social media accounts (LinkedIn, etc.)

Conference Dinner Sponsorship - US$ 1,500 [non-exclusive, up to 4 sponsors]

  • Exposure of sponsor to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents and followers
  • Recognition as a Conference Dinner Sponsor on the conference website, in the marketing materials, in the program and on signage at the Conference and Dinner
  • Recognition as a Conference Dinner Sponsor in the Conference program
  • 3 complimentary conference registrations to attend all panels, discussions, luncheon, and reception
  • 3 complimentary tickets to the Conference Dinner
  • Sponsor name/logo on the conference website with link to the sponsor’s website
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Sponsorship acknowledged on ITA social media accounts (LinkedIn, etc.)

Conference Luncheon Sponsorship - US$ 1,250 [non-exclusive, up to 4 sponsors]

  • Exposure of sponsor to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents and followers
  • Recognition as a Conference Luncheon Sponsor on the conference website, in the marketing materials, in the program and on signage at the Conference
  • Recognition as a Conference Luncheon in the Conference program
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations to attend all panels, discussions, luncheon, and reception (ticketed Conference Dinner not included for all 3)
  • 1 complimentary ticket to the Conference Dinner
  • Sponsor name/logo on the conference website with link to the sponsor’s website
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Sponsorship acknowledged on ITA social media accounts (LinkedIn, etc.)

Welcome Reception Sponsorship - US$ 1,000 [non-exclusive, up to 4 sponsors]

  • Wxposure of sponsor to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents and followers
  • Recognition as a Welcome Reception Sponsor on the conference website, in the marketing materials, in the program and on signage at the Conference
  • Recognition as a Welcome Reception Sponsor in the Conference program
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations to attend all panels, discussions, luncheon, and reception (ticketed Conference Dinner not included for all 3)
  • 1 complimentary ticket to the Conference Dinner
  • Sponsor name/logo on the conference website with link to the sponsor’s website
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Sponsorship acknowledged on ITA social media accounts (LinkedIn, etc.)

Exhibitor - US$ 750 [space permitting]

  • Exposure of sponsor to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents and followers
  • Recognition as an Exhibitor on the conference website, in the marketing materials, and in the program
  • Recognition as an Exhibitor in the Conference program
  • Space for promotional materials at the conference