Arbitral Institutions Webinars
The Institute for Transnational Arbitration is excited to present its new project - The ITA Arbitral Institutions Series!
This series is designed to raise the awareness of “arbitration” users as to the right choice of Arbitration Rules and forums, and to reinforce cooperation between the arbitral institutions. These webinars present, one by one, institutions such as LCIA, ICC, SIAC, ICSID, ICDR, and many others. Our goal is to reach beyond the ordinary and bland description of main features and give the audience a practical tool facilitating the choice of the set of rules appropriate for each individual case.
Ethics in International Arbitration Series
| 8:00 am Houston / 9:00 am New York
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ITA Arbitration Institutions Series
| Webinar begins at 10:30 am Houston/ 11:30 am New York
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¡La Serie Instituciones Arbitrales de ITA!
| Webinar begins at 9:00 am Houston / 9:00 am San José de Costa Rica
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