ITA Workshop
The annual ITA Workshop held each June since 1989 is widely recognized as the leading conference in the field in the United States. As one participant summarized succinctly, “It is the forum in which legitimate top practitioners gather annually. Thus, the topics are sophisticated, the networking is legitimate, and the social element is valuable.”
Next Event
37th Annual ITA Workshop and Annual Meeting
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- Houston, Texas, USA
ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference on International Energy Arbitration
The 1½-day ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference is presented annually in Houston and elsewhere, by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration, the Institute for Energy Law and the ICC International Court of Arbitration, with the support of other leading regional and global arbitration organizations. The joint conference traditionally includes a year-in-review analysis of key developments in international energy arbitration practice during the preceding year, panels and debates concerning these developments, a Forum for off-the-record discussion of current issues, a young arbitrators Roundtable and a variety of social networking activities.
Next Event
13th ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference on International Energy Arbitration - Houston
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- Houston, Texas, USA
ITA-ASIL Conference
The ½-day ITA-ASIL Conference is presented annually in Washington, D.C. by the ITA Academic Council with the American Society for International Law (ASIL) immediately preceding the ASIL Annual Meeting.
Next Event
22nd ITA-ASIL Conference
- Washington, D.C.
ITA Americas Workshop / Taller ITA Américas
Following its general commitment to deliver top-quality, cutting-edge programs on international arbitration, the ITA has conducted the ITA Americas Workshop each year since 2005. Past venues include Bogotá, Colombia, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Panama; Santiago, São Paulo, among others, as well as online during 2020, 2021 and 2022.
Next Event
ITA Conference on International Arbitration in the Mining Sector
Next Event
3rd ITA Conference on International Arbitration in the Mining Sector
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- Toronto, Canada
Other Events
Next Event
ITA Roundtable at UNCITRAL Working Group III
- Vienna, Austria
#YOUNGITATALKS is a series of stand-alone educational and networking events presented in different cities around the globe by the Young ITA in collaboration with its members.
Next Event
#YoungITATalks India
- Sonipat, Haryana, India
Arbitral Institutions Webinars
The Institute for Transnational Arbitration is excited to present its new project - The ITA Arbitral Institutions Series!
Next Event
Ethics in International Arbitration Series
- 8:00 am Houston / 9:00 am New York
The ITA offers live online educational webinars at regular intervals throughout the year. These usually qualify for CLE credit in all U.S. states. Following the live presentation, a recording of the webinar is available for online listening.