Law Schools and Students
Law Schools
Law school members of the IEL have one representative on the IEL’s Advisory Board, who is entitled to attend the Annual Energy Law Conference and the various Advisory Board events free of charge. The Law School Advisory Board representative can also nominate two students to attend most of IEL’s programs throughout the year free of registration fees.
- Baylor University Law School
- Duquesne University School of Law
- LSU Law School
- Oklahoma City University School of Law
- Penn State Law
- Queen Mary University of London
- Rutgers University School of Law - Camden
- SMU Dedman School of Law
- South Texas College of Law - Houston
- Texas A&M University School of Law
- Texas Tech University School of Law
- The University of Texas at Austin School of Law
- Thurgood Marshall School of Law
- Tulane University Law School
- University of Alberta Faculty of Law
- University of Arkansas School of Law
- University of Colorado Law School
- University of Denver Sturm College of Law
- University of Dundee
- University of Houston Law Center
- University of Kansas School of Law
- University of Mississippi School of Law
- University of New Mexico School of Law
- University of North Dakota School of Law
- University of Oklahoma College of Law
- University of Tulsa College of Law
- University of Waikato
- University of Wyoming College of Law
- UNT Dallas College of Law
- Vermont Law School
- Washburn University School of Law
- West Virginia University College of Law
Law Students
The IEL organizes special programs for law students each year for free. Since 2020 IEL has held a multi-part Summer Associate Series on topics designed to help law students understand the practice of energy law.
Two of the sessions from the 2021 series are available on our YouTube channel – Wellhead to Plastic Bag: A Technical and Operational View of the Oil & Gas Industry and Covering the Field: A Discussion with Energy Lawyers in Different Disciplines.
A few of the sessions from the 2022 Summer Associate Series can be found here: Paradigm Shift in the Regulation of EU Energy Markets, Russia/Ukraine Conflicts, Energy Markets and Keep Calm and Lawyer On: Managing Stress and Maintaining Civility.
Law students are encouraged to attend all IEL conferences. If your school is an IEL law school member, it can nominate two students to attend most IEL programs free of tuition fees (unfortunately we cannot offer travel or accommodation expenses), and if you are nominated you will be entitled to all the privileges of a conference delegate such as meals, written materials, and access to online materials.
IEL has Law Student Membership available for $25. Law Student Members become part of IEL’s vibrant Young Energy Professionals’ (YEP) Committee. Law Student Members are invited to YEP social events and free webinars.
If your school is not an IEL member, or if your school has already nominated two students to attend free of charge, you can still register for a conference at the student rate (usually $125 for a one day conference, and $150 for two days) and receive all the privileges of a conference delegate.
In addition, when space permits, any law student can attend any IEL program free of charge “on audit”, but in that case will not be entitled to delegate privileges.
Law students are invited to submit articles for consideration for our Young Energy Professionals’ publication, The Energy Dispatch, and our member newsletter, the Energy Law Advisor. For questions regarding submission guidelines, please email
If you would like to receive emails from the IEL advising you of upcoming programs and activities, sign-up below.
Call for Student Papers To Become the IEL Hartrick Scholar for 2025
The IEL Hartrick Scholar Writing Competition: The Institute for Energy Law of The Center for American and International Law announces its 2025 Hartrick Scholar writing competition. All eligible students are invited to participate.
Eligible Students and Topics: Students enrolled in law school anywhere in the world as of December 2024, and seeking a first degree in law, such as a juris doctor, LL. B. or an equivalent, are eligible to submit an article for consideration in the IEL Hartrick Scholar competition. The general subject for this year’s competition is any topic related to energy development. This includes, for example, topics concerning oil and gas law, alternative energy resources, energy regulation, and environmental regulation of the energy industries.
The article can be any work prepared by the student while enrolled in law school and can include prior works prepared for a law journal or a law school course, so long as the submitted version complies with the submission guidelines. The Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee will select one or more outstanding submissions that they deem worthy of recognition.
Submission Guidelines: The article must be submitted electronically to the Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee, at the address listed below, on or before March 3, 2025. The article should not exceed 8,000 words including footnotes (this approximates 40 double-spaced pages of text and footnotes or 25 printed pages). Footnotes should be in Blue Book format and placed at the bottom of the page where the footnoted text appears. The article should be submitted in pdf format accompanied by a cover email message that contains the following information: (1) your name; (2) the title of your article; (3) the law school where you are currently enrolled; (4) your year at law school (in 2024-25); (5) your mailing address; (6) your telephone number, preferably cell phone; and (7) your email address. The article should NOT contain your name, law school, or any other identifying information. The winning paper will be published in the 76th Annual Proceedings of the Institute on Energy Law; therefore if the article has been published elsewhere, the submission must include permission to publish the article from the original publisher.
Selection of the 2025 Hartrick Scholar: The Hartrick Scholar selected by the Judging Committee will be notified on or before April 15, 2025. The Scholar will receive a $2,500 cash award.
Submit Articles and Questions To:
Hartrick Scholar Judging Committee
ATTN: Vickie Adams
Institute for Energy Law
Using this email address:
Careers in Energy Law Videos
The IEL has prepared two short videos in which a number of practicing lawyers are asked to describe what they enjoy and find satisfying about their careers in energy law, and also to talk about how they decided at law school or later that energy law was going to be their specialty of choice. Designed to assist law students and young lawyers who may be considering the oil and gas or other energy industry components either for employment or for specialization, these short productions will be useful to professors and careers advisory staff at law schools, as well as to young lawyers in the early stages of their careers.
The first video, Beyond Law School, is intended to give law students a flavor of life as an energy attorney, and reasons why they might consider energy law as a career. The second, In Practice, describes the importance of this sector of legal work, as well as the excitement and job satisfaction found by lawyers working there.
You can watch the videos below, and they are also available for download by following these links: Beyond Law School; In Practice.