Advanced Practice under the America Invents Act
Dallas, Texas, USA
Hyatt Regency Hotel
300 Reunion Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75207
Registrar: +1.972.244.3405
ILT: +1.972.244.3428
Fax: +1.972.244.3401
Learn in an interactive setting how chief IP counsel of leading corporations are reacting to the implementation of the America Invents Act, and what leading lawyers in private practice are advising their clients about patenting, licensing and enforcement strategies in response to the AIA. This advanced course is for experienced in house and private practice lawyers who want to take a critical look at the AIA and other issues facing patent law that need to be addressed.
Topics will include the unintended consequences of the AIA and its implementation; effects of the AIA on licensing and litigation tactics and strategies and on prosecution; successfully prosecuting and defending contested proceedings at the PTAB; important issues still facing the patent system and the need for additional reforms; and rulemaking, legislative and other activities of the PTO.
Download the Brochure (pdf)
For more details, download the online brochure.
Conference Co-Chairs

Marc A. Hubbard
Hubbard Law PLLC
Dallas, Texas

Lisa Jorgenson
Group Vice President, IP and Licensing
Coppell, Texas
Planning Committee
- Jim Harlan
Senior Vice-President, Chief Compliance Officer, General Counsel and Assistant Secretary
Xtera Communications
Allen, Texas - Sharon Israel
Mayer Brown LLP
Houston, Texas - Jennifer Wuamett
Vice President & Chief IP Counsel
Freescale Semiconductor
Austin, Texas
Registration includes the one and a half-day Conference, course materials, the luncheon and reception.
- $595 / $645 - Regular registration fee
- $395 / $445 - ILT Advisory Board Member
- $395 / $445 - ILT Supporting or Sustaining Member Employee
- $395 / $445 - CAIL Member or Member Employee
- $395 / $445 - AIPLA Member
- $250 / $300 - Government / Non-Profit / Academic
Schedule and Faculty
Thursday, April 11
8:00 am
Continental Breakfast
9:00 am
AIA: What did we achieve, what are the unintended consequences, and what still needs to be done?
- Will patent quality improve?
- What are the unintended consequences?
- Will the AIA lead to greater international harmonization?
- How important is harmonization, and what remains to be done?
- Need for additional reform/changes?
- Technical amendments to AIA
- Outlook for current congressional term
Panel Moderator
Professor David O. Taylor, SMU Dedman School of Law, Dallas, Texas
- Philip S. Johnson, Chief Patent Counsel, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey
- Bart Showalter, Partner, Baker Botts, Dallas, Texas
- Robert Stoll, Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP, Washington, D.C.
10:30 am
10:45 am
New and changing patent prosecution strategies after the AIA
- How are corporations changing their patenting and prosecution strategies?
- What are private practitioners telling their clients?
- Issues with existing rules
- Traps for the unwary
- Transition to first to file
- Third party participation at the PTO
Panel Moderator
Richard Phillips, Chief Intellectual Property Counsel, ExxonMobil Chemical Company, Houston, Texas
- Rob King, Corporate IP Counsel, Silicon Laboratories, Austin, Texas
- Michael Piper, Conley Rose, Plano, Texas
- Jennifer Wuamett, Vice President and Chief Intellectual Property Counsel, Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Austin, Texas
12:15 pm
12:30 pm
Lunch / Keynote Address
Philip S. Johnson
Chief Patent Counsel
Johnson & Johnson
New Brunswick, New Jersey
2:00 pm
2:15 pm
Effect of AIA on licensing and litigation strategies and tactics
- Intersection of IPR/PGR and licensing/litigation strategies
- Handling estoppel arising with IPR/PGR
- Stays
- MDLs and mechanisms for managing discovery and claim construction in cases on same patent
- Effect on valuation of patents
- Unresolved litigation issues
Panel Moderator
Lisa Jorgenson, Group Vice President, IP and Licensing, STMicroelectronics, Coppell, Texas
- Patrick J. Coyne, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP, Washington, D.C.
- Hilda Galvan, Jones Day, Dallas, Texas
- Myra McCormack, Johnson & Johnson, New Brunswick, New Jersey
3:45 pm
4:00 pm
Stats and Insights from the Initial IPR and CBM Petitions and Decisions
A look at initial results from the early review proceedings, including statistics, trends and highlights. Plus, examples of the what’s working and not working in terms of petitions, declarations, protective orders, preliminary patent owner statements, motions, and cross-examination.
Brad Pedersen, Patterson Thuente Pedersen, Minneapolis, Minnesota
4:30 pm
Nuances and strategies for successfully prosecuting and defending IPRs, PGRs, CBMRs before the Board
- Best practices
- Discovery
- Motions practice
- Strategies
- Traps for the unwary
- Unresolved issues
Panel Moderator
Joe Mahoney, Mayer Brown, Chicago, Illinois
- Mehran Arjomand, Morrison Forster, Los Angeles, California
- Todd Baker, Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P., Alexandria, Virginia
- Bernard Knight, General Counsel, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, Virginia
5:30 pm
Networking Reception
Friday, April 12
8:00 am
Optional Ethics Breakfast Presentation
Professionalism and the AIA: How to Keep You and Your Clients Out of Trouble
The change from first-to-invent to first-to-file makes critical differences to the procedures you and your clients need to follow to obtain patent protection. This presentation will focus on the professional standards required to be successful working under the new act, and what you need to know and do to give your clients the highest quality service.
Colin Cahoon, Carstens & Cahoon, LLP, Dallas, Texas
9:00 am
Critical issues still facing patent law
- Patent timeliness and quality
- Jurisdiction and forum shopping
- Damages
- Joint infringement and inducement
- Subject matter eligibiltiy
- Claim construction
Panel Moderator
- Vince Garlock, Deputy Executive Director, American Intellectual Property Law Association, Alexandria, Virginia
- David McCombs, Partner, Haynes & Boone, LLP, Dallas, Texas
- Wayne Sobon, InventErgy, California
- Dean John Whealan, Dean, Intellectual Property Law Studies, George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C.
10:45 am
11:00 am
The role of the PTO in shaping patent law and policy, and updates on important PTO initiatives
- The role of the PTO in crafting legislation and formulating policy
- Its role in the AIA
- New legislative and policy initiatives
- Software partnership roundtables
- Real-party-in-interest workshops
- Request for comments on RCE practice
- Usage of AIA offerings and current statistics
- Satellite offices; the goals, vision, progress and operation of the Silicon Valley office and what this might mean for Dallas
Bernard Knight, General Counsel, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Alexandria, Virginia
12:30 pm
CLE Credits
MCLE Credit
The State Bar of Texas has approved this program for 10.25 hours, including 1 hour of ethics. Course ID Number: 901262996. Sign-in sheets and/or certificates of attendance will be available for ALL states.
Hotel Information
The cost of housing is not included in tuition. However, rooms (in limited number) have been reserved at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 300 Reunion Blvd, Dallas, TX 75207. Registrants should call 1.888.421.1442 and advise them they are attending the Advanced Practice Conference to receive a reduced room rate of $189 + tax. Reservations may also be made online by visiting The last day to obtain this special rate is March 30, 2013.
Reservations may also be made online.
Tuition, less a $50 cancellation fee will be refunded upon receipt of written cancellation received by March 29, 2013. E-mail cancellation notice to After this date, no refunds, but substitution of attendees for this program will be permitted. Registrants not entitled to a refund will receive the course materials.
Other Information
Press Policy
All ILT conferences are held under the Chatham House Rule. Participants, including journalists, are free to use any information received, but comments may not be attributed to any speaker identified by name or affiliation.
Nondiscriminatory Policy
The Center for American and International Law does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status or any other protected status in educational activities, scholarship programs or admissions.
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We do not sell or rent information to any outside parties. By providing your information, you will receive postal and electronic communications from the Institute for Law and Technology (ILT) of The Center for American and International Law (CAIL) in accordance with CAIL's Privacy Policy. If we co-sponsor a program with another organization, information may be shared between the parties. All such co-sponsors will be identified on the event details and registration page. At any point, you can opt-out or unsubscribe by selecting either link at the bottom of each email or call us at 972.244.3400.