The ILT has teamed up with the International Bar Associationā€™s Electronic Entertainment and Online Gaming Committee to present an International Video Game Law Summit on June 23 and 24 in Plano, Texas.

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The ILTā€™s Advanced Practice under the America Invents Act Conference (co-sponsored by the AIPLA) began its second day on Friday, April 12, with an hour on Professionalism and the AIA presented by Colin Cahoon (Carstens & Cahoon).

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The America Invents Act comes into force on March 16th, and patent lawyers are working overtime to file before ā€œfirst to inventā€ becomes ā€œfirst to fileā€. What are the unintended consequences of the Act and its implementation?

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The annual Game::Business::Law International Summit on the Law and Business of Video Games, co-sponsored by the ILT, The Guildhall at SMU and SMU Dedman School of Law, will take place in Dallas on January 24 and 25, 2013.

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