ITA-ALARB Americas Workshop
Arbitrators: Immunity, Conflicts and New Challenges
Virtual Conference
Registrar: +1.972.244.3403
ITA: +1.972.244.3414
Fax: +1.972.244.3401
Presented by The Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) and The Latin American Association of Arbitration (ALARB)
Supported by the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr) and the International Court of Arbitration (ICC)
The joint conference will be tuition-free for ITA and ALARB members. Registration includes the Wednesday-Thursday program, the Welcome Reception and the ITA-ALARB Forum on December 4. Log-in information will be emailed to all registrants shortly before the conference begins.
For sponsorship opportunities, contact ITA Sponsorships Coordinator Lilly Hogarth.
Conference Co-Chairs

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
New York & São Paulo

María Inés Corrá
M. & M. Bomchil
Buenos Aires
Highlights include:
- Focus on the role and responsibilities of arbitrators
- ALARB Annual Meeting
- ITA Americas Initiative Mid-Year Meeting
- Americas Forum
- Young Lawyers Roundtable
- Online networking events
Schedule and Faculty
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
10:50 am (Central)
11:00 am (Central)
Welcome to the Americas Workshop
- ALARB President Claus Von Wobeser, Von Wobeser y Sierra, Mexico City
- ITA Chair Joseph E. Neuhaus, Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, New York
11:10 am (Central)
Young Lawyers Roundtable
Roundtable Co-Chairs:
- Karima Sauma, Executive Director, AmCham Costa Rica, San José
- Juan Pablo Argentato, Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris
11:15 am (Central)
Fernando Canturias Salaverry's Paradigmatic Case
In 2019, Fernando Cantuarias Salaverry, a renowned and respected arbitrator, was incarcerated in Peru on charges related to his service as an arbitrator. In a unique interview, Alfredo Bullard and Mario Reggiardo, will share their experience on the front lines of a high-profile immunity controversy and the reaction of the arbitral community.
- Alfredo Bullard, Bullard Falla Ezcurra +, Lima
- Mario Reggiardo, Payet, Rey, Cauvi, PeĢrez Abogados, Lima
Interviewer: Estefanía Ponce, Posse Herrera, Bogotá
12:10 pm (Central)
12:15 pm (Central)
Arbitrator Immunity and Liability Survey
This panel will offer a survey of immunity issues as they have arisen in different jurisdictions in Latin America and around the world and will comment on the main outcomes resulting therefrom.
Moderator: Karima Sauma, Executive Director, CICA-AmCham Costa Rica, San José
- María Angélica Burgos, Baker McKenzie, Colombia
- Leonardo de Castro Coelho, Mattos Filho, Brazil
- Michael Fernández, Winston & Strawn, New York
- María del Mar Herrera, EY, San José
13:20 pm (Central)
13:30-14:30 pm (Central)
Welcome Reception
Thursday, December 3
10:50 am (Central)
11:00 am (Central)
Welcome Back
Americas Workshop Co-Chairs:
- Julie Bédard, Skadden Arps, New York City and São Paulo
- María Inés Corrá, Bomchil, Buenos Aires
11:10 am (Central)
Immunity and Liability of Arbitrators
Following up on the Young Lawyers Roundtable, this panel of leading arbitrators will offer their views on whether arbitrators are in fact, can or should be immune in the exercise of their function.
Keynote address: Eduardo Zuleta, Zuleta Abogados Asociados, Bogotá
Moderator: Calvin Hamilton, Independent Arbitrator, Int-Arb Arbitrators & Mediators, St. James, Barbados
- Valeria Galíndez, Galíndez Arb, São Paulo
- Eduardo Silva Romero, Dechert, Paris
- Maria del Carmen Tovar, Estudio Echecopar, Baker Mckenzie, Lima
12:10 pm (Central)
12:20-13:30 pm (Central)
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Where we are on disclosure and conflicts of interest in international arbitration: this panel will discuss recent decisions and Latin America experiences.
Keynote address: Prof. Catherine A. Rogers, Penn State Law School, University Park, and Queen Mary University, London
Moderator: Sandra González, Ferrere, Montevideo
- Claudia Salomon, Latham & Watkins LLP, New York
- Eduardo Damião Gonçalves, Mattos Filho, São Pablo
- Prof. Guido Santiago Tawil, Independent Arbitrator, Buenos Aires
16:30–17:30 pm (Central)
ITA and ALARB Members Reception
Friday, December 4
10:20 am (Central)
10:30 am (Central)
ITA-ALARB Forum - Session 1: Gender Diversity: ICCA Cross Institutional Report
In this panel devoted to the ICCA Cross Institutional Task Force Report on Gender Diversity in Arbitral Appointments and Proceedings, institutional, corporate and law firm leaders will discuss next steps and actions to promote diversity in international arbitration.
Moderator: Carolyn Lamm, ICCA Cross-Institutional Task Force Chair, White & Case LLP, Washington, DC
- Yas Banifetami, Shearman & Sterling, Paris – counsel perspective
- Eleonora Coelho, President of CAM-CCBC, São Paulo – institutional perspective
- Mónica Jiménez, Ecopetrol, Bogotá – client perspective
- Wendy Miles QC, Twenty Essex, London – arbitrator perspective
- Alexis Mourre, President, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris – institutional perspective
11:40 am
11:45 am
ITA-ALARB Forum - Session 2: Open Forum
The Forum is an informal special opportunity for colleagues in international arbitration to discuss current issues and share concerns off-the-record with our peers. The agenda for this open discussion is determined by the participants who are invited to submit their suggestions in advance and at the Forum itself.
- Cecilia Azar, Galicia, Mexico
- Tai Heng-Cheng, Sidley, New York
12:45 pm (Central)
Closing Remarks - Workshop Co-Chair María Inés Corrá
Other Activities for ITA and ALARB Members
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
9:00-10:00 am
ITAFOR Moderators and Subscribers Meeting
Thursday, December 3
9:00–10:00 am (Central)
ITA Academic Council Meeting
Young ITA Committee Meeting
ITA In-House Counsel Task Force Meeting
16:00-16:30 pm (Central)
ALARB Annual Meeting
16:30–17:30 pm (Central)
ITA and ALARB Members Reception
Friday, December 4
9:00–10:00 am (Central)
ITA Latin American Arbitral Institutions Meeting
ITA Americas Initiative Committee Meeting
CLE Credit
This program is approved by the State Bar of Texas for a total of 4.25 hours, of which no credit hours will apply to ethics/professional responsibility credit. Course ID Number: 174104765.
MCLE credit will not be requested in any other jurisdiction, but attendees may be able to obtain credit in other jurisdictions by self-applying for credit or through reciprocity rules. ITA in-person conferences are typically accredited by all mandatory CLE states, but MCLE rules, including rules governing online programs, vary in each jurisdiction. Certain programs, subjects, and formats may not receive credit in certain jurisdictions and there may be specific rules regarding who may earn credit or the maximum number of credit hours that may be earned with specific formats. Please review the MCLE regulations and rules of your jurisdiction and contact your regulatory entity if you have specific questions about the jurisdiction’s MCLE rules.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Conference Premier Sponsor - US$2,500 (up to three sponsors max)
- Exposure to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents
- Recognition as Conference Premier Sponsor at the conference itself, on the conference website, in e-marketing on social media
- Express recognition in the introductory remarks at the beginning of each day
- Branded virtual networking table at the virtual Welcome Reception (if the platform permits)
- 5 complimentary conference registrations
- Name/logo on the conference website with link to company webpage or company video clip
- Post-conference recognition at ITA’s website, in its publications ITA in Review and News & Notes, and on social media
Young Lawyers Roundtable Sponsor - US$1,000 (up to four sponsors max)
- Exposure to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents
- Recognition as Young Lawyers Roundtable Sponsor at the Roundtable itself, on the conference website, in e-marketing on social media
- Express recognition in the introductory remarks at the beginning of the Roundtable
- 2 complimentary conference registrations
- Name/logo on the conference website with link to company webpage or company video clip
- Post-conference recognition at ITA’s website, in its publications ITA in Review and News & Notes, and on social media
Welcome Reception Sponsor - US$1,000 (up to four sponsors max)
- Exposure to thousands of ITA and and ALARB constituents
- Recognition as Welcome Reception Sponsor at the Reception, on the conference website, in e-marketing and on social media
- Branded virtual networking table at the virtual Welcome Reception (if the platform permits)
- 2 complimentary conference registrations
- Name/logo on the conference website with link to company webpage
- Post-conference recognition at ITA’s website, in its publications ITA in Review and News & Notes, and on social media
ITA and ALARB Members Reception Sponsor - US$1,000 (up to four sponsors max)
- Exposure to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents
- Recognition as ITA and ALARB Members Reception Sponsor at the Reception, on the conference website, in e-marketing and on social media
- Branded virtual networking table at the virtual Reception (if the platform permits)
- 2 complimentary conference registrations
- Name/logo on the conference website with link to company webpage or company video clip
- Post-conference recognition at ITA’s website, in its publications ITA in Review and News & Notes, and on social media
ITA-ALARB Forum Sponsor - US$750 (up to six sponsors max)
- Exposure to thousands of ITA and ALARB constituents
- Recognition as Forum Sponsor at the Forum, on the conference website, in e-marketing and on social media
- Name/logo on the conference website with link to company webpage
- Post-conference recognition at ITA’s website, in its publications ITA in Review and News & Notes, and on social media
Other Information
We will be using a third party platform to host the webinar/event. By registering for this event, your email address and personal information will be used by the webinar organizer to communicate with you about this event and other services.
Press Policy
All ITA conferences are held under the Chatham House Rule. Participants, including journalists, are free to use any information received, but comments may not be attributed to any speaker identiļ¬ ed by name or affiliation.
Nondiscriminatory Policy
The Center for American and International Law does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected status in educational activities, scholarship programs or admissions.
Privacy Policy
We do not sell or rent information to any outside parties. By providing your information, you will receive postal and electronic communications from the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) of The Center for American and International Law (CAIL) in accordance with CAIL's Privacy Policy. If we co-sponsor a program with another organization, information may be shared between the parties. All such co-sponsors will be identified on the event details and registration page. At any point, you can opt-out or unsubscribe by selecting either link at the bottom of each email or call us at 972.244.3400.