Transnational Arbitration

13th ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference on International Energy Arbitration - Houston


Houston, Texas, USA

Past Event

MCLE Credit will be available

Marriott Marquis Houston
1777 Walker St.
Houston, Texas 77010

View Map

Registrar: +1.972.244.3403
ITA: +1.972.244.3414
IEL: +1.972.244.3422
E-Mail: or


The Joint Conference is presented by The Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA), The Institute for Energy Law (IEL) (both subsidiaries of The Center for American and International Law (CAIL)) and The International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

The 1½-day ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference is presented annually in Houston with the support of other leading regional and global arbitration organizations. The Joint Conference traditionally includes a year-in-review analysis of key developments in international energy arbitration practice during the preceding year, panels and debates concerning these developments, a Young Arbitrators Roundtable and a variety of social networking activities.

Conference Co-Chairs

Picture of Kathryn Barnes

Kathryn Barnes
Chevron Corporation
San Ramon, CA, USA

Picture of David Harrell

David Harrell
Troutman Pepper Locke
Houston, TX, USA

Picture of Sarah Vasani

Sarah Zagata Vasani
London, United Kingdom

Young Lawyers Roundtable Co-Chairs

Picture of Rhianna Hoover

Rhianna Hoover
IEL YEP Representative
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
New York, NY, USA

Picture of Julianne Jaquith

Julianne Jaquith
Young ITA Representative
Quinn Emanuel LLP
Houston, TX/Washington, D.C., USA

Picture of Taylor Lemay

Taylor J. LeMay
ICC YAAF Rrepresentative
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Houston, TX, USA

Schedule and Faculty


1:45 pm Central Time - Registration

2:30-2:45 pm - Welcome

  • Michael P. Lennon, Jr., IEL Immediate Past Chair, Mayer Brown, Houston, Texas
  • Claudia Salomon, President, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris, France
  • Charles “Chip” Brower II, ITA Chair, Of Counsel, Miller Canfield, Professor of Law, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Presented by
ICC Young Arbitration & ADR Forum (YAAF)
IEL Young Energy Professionals (YEP)
Young ITA (YITA)

2:45-2:50 pm - Welcome to the Roundtable

2:50-3:55 pm - Two Sides to Every Arbitration Clause: Negotiating Key Contractual Provisions for an Energy Arbitration

Panelists representing two sides of a negotiation over an arbitration clause will discuss key provisions, including those concerning applicable law, seat, and number of arbitrators, in the context of an energy project contract. As part of the discussion, panelists will consider a number of hypothetical scenarios that illustrate the pros and cons of different contractual provisions, and why parties might prefer certain provisions over others depending on their particular business needs and goals.

ModeratorJulianne Jaquith, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, Washington D.C./Houston, Texas, USA


  • Courtney Giles, Baker McKenzie LLP, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Grace Haidar, Aramco Americas, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Mark Stadnyk, thyssenkrupp nucera, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Rachel Howie, Dentons Canada LLP, Calgary, Canada

3:55-4:55 pm - New Rules For New Energies? Potential Disputes Involving Emerging Energy Technologies

A panel of younger in-house practitioners will introduce new energy technologies such as carbon capture, utilization, and storage; renewable natural gas; and green hydrogen. The panel will discuss the potential for disputes related to these new technologies, particular considerations in resolving those disputes, as well as the business considerations that come into play when deciding whether, and how, to pursue dispute resolution in the context of an emerging industry.

ModeratorRhianna Hoover, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, New York, New York, USA


  • Brandon Caire, Air Liquide, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Sylvia Leyva Martinez, Wood Mackenzie, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Tan Pham, Total Energies, Houston, Texas, USA

4:55-5:00 pm - Roundtable Closing Remarks

  • Thomas (T.L.) Cubbage III, President, The Center for American and International Law and ITA Director, Plano, Texas, USA

5:00-6:15 pm - Welcome Reception

6:30-8:30 pm - Joint Conference Dinner

Optional for all Joint Conference registrants, faculty and sponsors
Vic & Anthony's Steakhouse (1510 Texas Ave, Houston, TX 77002)

Please indicate on the registration form if you wish to attend – ticket price: $125 per person. Seating is limited so register soon.


8:00 am - Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00-9:05 am - Welcome Back

9:05-9:25 am - The ITA and Wolters Kluwer: Celebrating the Next Generation of Collaboration

In 2001, the ITA and Wolters Kluwer began collaboration on a pioneering research platform for international arbitration, Since then, international arbitration and technology have evolved significantly. Leaders from the ITA and Wolters Kluwer take the opportunity to reflect on their relationship and sign a new agreement that will further elevate the quality of practice.


  • David Bartolone, Vice President & General Manager, Kluwer Law International / General Manager, International Group, Vienna, Virginia
  • Charles “Chip” Brower II, ITA Chair, Of Counsel, Miller Canfield, Professor of Law, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
  • Thomas (T.L.) Cubbage III, President, The Center for American and International Law and ITA Director, Plano, Texas

9:25-10:05 am - 2024 Year In Review: The Top 10 (or Close to 10) Developments in International Energy Arbitration

This presentation will survey investor-state and commercial disputes in the energy sector and highlight the biggest developments of the last year. Casting an eye over the wide range of matters that have come before arbitral tribunals in 2024, speakers will identify rulings and industry trends that are likely to influence energy arbitration into 2025 and beyond.


  • Danielle Morris, WilmerHale, Washington, D.C., USA
  • Timothy Tyler, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP, Houston, Texas, USA

10:15-11:05 am - Construction Disputes in Energy Projects

Hear from a panel of experts on what are the most effective methods to resolve construction disputes that arise in complex energy projects, including FIDIC contracts, dispute resolution boards and effective advocacy methods.

Moderator: David Harrell, Troutman Pepper Locke, Houston, Texas, USA


  • Michael Kenyon, Berkeley Research Group, Dubai, UAE
  • Aisha Nadar, Advokatfirman Runeland AB, Stockholm, Sweden
  • Fritha C. Wheeler-Ozanne, Fluor, Irving, Texas, USA

11:05-11:20 am - Coffee Break

11:20 am-12:20 pm - Enforcement And Collection of Arbitration Awards

This panel will present their unique perspectives on effective (and efficient) ways to collect arbitration awards, whether against a commercial entity or host state. They will also address developments in this area, including the use of bankruptcy laws and the influence of funders on the process.

Moderator: Ruth Byrne, K.C., King & Spalding International LLP, London, UK


  • Jeffrey Commission, Burford Capital, Washington, D.C., USA
  • Steven Kobre, Kobre & Kim LLP, New York, New York, USA
  • Nania Owusu-Ankomah, Bentsi-Enchill Letsa & Ankomah, Accra, Ghana

12:20-2:00 pm - Luncheon

A Conversation with
Claudia Salomon
President, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris, France

Interviewed by
Michael Mcilwrath
MDisputes, Florence, Italy

This interview is the latest in a series organized by the ITA Academic Council to record the evolution of modern international arbitration in the words of those who have led it.

2:00-3:00 pm - Have Stabilization Clauses Lost Their Luster?

This panel will consider how stabilization clauses have developed in recent years and whether such clauses remain effective tools to protect investors from changes in a host State’s laws. The panel will discuss what makes stabilization clauses effective and whether statutory stabilization provisions (or other protections) can provide similar protection in the face of increasing legal and regulatory changes by host State.

ModeratorAaron Michael Rofkar, Chevron Corporation, San Ramon, California, USA


  • Leilah Bruton, Three Crowns LLP, London, UK
  • Prof. Peter D. Cameron, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom
  • Elliot Friedman, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, New York, New York, USA
  • Claudia Frutos-Peterson, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP, Washington D.C., U.S.A./Mexico City, Mexico

3:05-4:05 pm - The Rising Importance of ESG and its Impact on International Arbitration and Supply Chains

The inclusion of ESG provisions in commercial contracts, international investment treaties, and host state laws and regulations will inevitably result in an increased number of ESG disputes being resolved through international arbitration. In parts of Europe, mandatory ESG due diligence rules will force a more active approach to ESG risk management and impact US companies operating in Europe. This panel will cover recent developments and trends in the resolution of ESG disputes, and discuss how corporates can best manage ESG risks, including through their supply chains and commercial contracts.

ModeratorCaline Mouawad, Chaffetz Lindsey LLP, New York, New York, USA


  • Cristián Conejero, Cuatrecasas, Sanitago, Chile
  • Laura Houët, CMS, London, UK
  • Kirsten Odynski, White & Case LLP, Houston, Texas, USA

4:05-4:20 pm - Coffee Break

4:20-5:20 pm - New Developments in Conflicts of Interest

With the introduction of the 2024 IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration and recent cases, arbitrator conflicts continue to be a key issue throughout the arbitration process. Hear how the panelists are navigating these ethical issues in light of the changing landscape.

Moderator: Philippa M. Charles, Twenty Essex, London, UK


  • Jennifer Kirby, Independent Arbitrator, Paris, France
  • Tom Sikora, Exxon Mobil Corporation, Houston, Texas, USA
  • Edward M. Mullins, Reed Smith LLP, Miami, Florida, USA

5:20 pm - Closing Remarks

  • Kathryn Barnes, Chevron Corporation, San Ramon, CA, USA

MCLE Credit

Course ID Number: 174264150. This program is approved by the State Bar of Texas for 7.5 hours, including 1.0 hours of ethics/professional responsibility credit.  Credit hours for other states will vary and are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules.

For this conference, ITA & IEL will directly apply (if requested) for course accreditation in the following states: California, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia and Virginia. Some of these states may not approve a program for credit hours before the program occurs. Attorneys may be eligible to receive CLE credit through reciprocity or attorney self-submission in other states. ITA & IEL conferences are typically accredited by all mandatory CLE states.

Hotel Information

Marriott Marquis Houston
1777 Walker St
Houston, TX 77010

  • Rooms available the nights of Jan 15 and 16. The Cutoff for booking a room is 12/27/2024, or when block sells out
  • Rate: $289++/night for a Marquis Guest Room

Book Your Hotel

Sponsorship Opportunities

Canvas Bag - $9,000 (exclusive) - SOLD

  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as a sponsor of the Canvas Bag on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 3 complimentary conference registrations (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Conference Dinner - $7,000 (exclusive) - January 17 - SOLD
at Vic & Anthony’s Steakhouse

  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as a sponsor of the Joint Conference Dinner on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

WiFi - $6,000 (exclusive) - SOLD

  • Company/Firm Name as WiFi code for conference
  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as Wifi Sponsor on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • Sponsor name included as WIFI Password (with limitations on length and venue requirements)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Conference Coffee Breaks - $6,000 (exclusive) - SOLD

  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as a sponsor on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 2 complimentary conference registration (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Lanyard - $5,000 (exclusive) - SOLD

  • Company/Firm Name on badge lanyard
  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as Lanyard Sponsor on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Notepad - $5,000 (exclusive) - SOLD

  • Company/Firm logo on blank notepads distributed to participants
  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as Lanyard Sponsor on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Conference Breakfast - $5,000 (exclusive) - SOLD

  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as a sponsor on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Conference Luncheon - $4,000

Featuring an Oral History Interview

  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as a sponsor of the Luncheon on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Charging Station - $4,000 (exclusive)

  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as a sponsor on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Conference Materials (includes full page advertisement) - $4,000 (exclusive)

  • Full page Company/Law Firm Advertisement on the back of the Conference Materials Binder
  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as a sponsor on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 2 complimentary conference registrations (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Welcome Reception - $3,000 as general sponsor (limited to five) - SOLD

  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as a sponsor of the Welcome Reception on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 1 complimentary conference registration (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 2 complimentary guests at the Welcome Reception
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Young Lawyers Roundtable - $2,750 (limited to four)

Presented by the Young ITA, the IEL Young Energy Professionals and the ICC Young Arbitration & ADR Forum

  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • Recognition as a sponsor of the Roundtable on the conference website, in all marketing, and at the conference
  • 1 complimentary conference registration (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Exhibitor - $2,750

  • Exposure to ITA, IEL and ICC constituents
  • 1 complimentary conference registration (all events, plus the ticketed Conference Dinner)
  • 1 exhibition table for promotional materials
  • Name/logo on the conference website with link to company page

Other Information

Nondiscriminatory Policy

The Center for American and International Law does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other protected status in educational activities, scholarship programs or admissions.

ICC Privacy Policy

Your information will also be collected by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) for the purpose of registering you for the event. You have the right to access, rectify, erase, the right to portability of your personal data, the right to restrict and object the processing, by sending an email to or writing to the International Chamber of Commerce, ICC DPO, 33-43 avenue du Président Wilson 75116 Paris, France. For further information about this processing, please visit this page. If you wish that ICC sends you emails on Arbitration and ADR activities including reports, guidelines, events, trainings and updates relating to ICC’s range of leading dispute resolution products and services, we invite you to sign up here by completing the form and your preferences.

Privacy Policy

We do not sell or rent information to any outside parties. By providing your information, you will receive postal and electronic communications from the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) of The Center for American and International Law (CAIL) in accordance with CAIL's Privacy Policy. If we co-sponsor a program with another organization, information may be shared between the parties. All such co-sponsors will be identified on the event details and registration page. At any point, you can opt-out or unsubscribe by selecting either link at the bottom of each email or call us at 972.244.3400.

Sponsor an Event

Presented by

Canvas Bag Sponsor

Conference Dinner Sponsor

WiFi Sponsor

Conference Coffee Breaks Sponsor

Lanyard Sponsor

Notepad Sponsor

Conference Breakfast Sponsor

Conference Luncheon Sponsors

Welcome Reception Sponsors

Young Lawyers Roundtable Sponsors
