50th Anniversary Leadership Reader
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- Purchase The Challenge to Lead: Issues in Law Enforcement Leadership: $30
- Purchase individual chapters: $6 per chapter
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Order Now OnlineIn commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration, a collection of five original articles has been drawn together and published under the title The Challenge to Lead: Issues in Law Enforcement Leadership.
Since 1957, the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration has developed a reputation for giving law enforcement officials the opportunity to hear from and interact with outstanding thinkers in both the public and private sector. It is intended that this publication will add to that experience, and that it will enhance the profession of law enforcement by elevating the leadership conversation.
As we look back and celebrate ILEA’s landmark fifty years of service to law enforcement, it is equally important to look toward the future and the plethora of challenges certain to confront leaders in the new millenium. Calling upon the insights of five renowned authorities, this book identifies and dissects issues certain to resonate with those responsible for guiding their organizations in a changing environment and, very often, invites the reader to take a decidedly uncustomary look at the world of law enforcement leadership.
Brief examples of the ideas and issues contained in The Challenge to Lead: Issues in Law Enforcement Leadership may be found in the following synopses of each chapter:
Chapter 1
“New Technologies and Old Organizational Staff; It’s Time That Command Staff Enabled the Front Line” by Lawrence J. Redlinger, Ph.D.
Opening Paragraph: Law enforcement organizations have similarities to all other organizations and are, at the same time, unique. And therein lays the crux of the matter, for it is the interplay of the similar and unique factors that result in the distinctive problems agencies face. If we focus too much on the unique, we overly insulate ourselves from outside innovation; if we focus too much on the similarities, we fail to understand how the unique factors influence outcomes.
Chapter 2
“Law Enforcement: Imagining a New Structure” by Chief (Ret.) Norm Stamper
Opening Paragraph: In the early 1990s, I called for the “demilitarization” of the titles of police sergeants, lieutenants, and captains in the San Diego Police Department. How did it go over? Not well.
Chapter 3
“Recruitment and Hiring in Law Enforcement: Crisis or an Opportunity for Change?” by Ellen Scrivner, Ph.D.
Opening Paragraph: One of the most significant processes that law enforcement agencies undertake is recruiting and hiring police officers and deputies with the potential to become effective stewards of public safety. These individuals are fundamental to how law enforcement services are delivered in communities across the country. As such, they represent the future of public safety.
Chapter 4
“Key Issues for Law Enforcement Administrators in Creating and Managing a Multicultural Law Enforcement Agency” by Chief (Ret.) Patrick Oliver
Opening Paragraph: The word “diversity” has many interpretations. It can be interpreted broadly to describe any difference between people or so narrowly as to be limited to differences of gender and race. For the purpose of this article, diversity is defined as the variation of social and cultural identities among people existing together in a defined employment setting.
Chapter 5
“The Virtues of Leadership” by Daniel T. Primozic, Ph.D.
Opening Paragraph: This is the formative culmination of a project concerning the virtues of leadership that has been at least twenty years in the making. It began as an inquiry in my graduate philosophy studies and continued as a rather long, unscientific experiment with definitions and analysis provided by my interaction with many and various groups that I have led on this topic throughout the years. I hope it will be propelled into the future by accommodating any feedback I receive about it now.